Wednesday, July 1, 2009

To Facebook or not to Facebook: Is That the Question?

By Kelly Conston 06/22/09

Based on a Nielsen rating of social networking site usage by internet users, Facebook is ranked third. Unique visitor’s to Facebook has grown 228% year-over-year from February 2008 to February 2009. This statistic illustrates Facebook’s growing popularity and importance in both the consumer and corporate worlds and demonstrates that it is no longer just a platform for friends to stay connected in real time. It has evolved into an important component of brand marketing for companies. Some of the world’s most well-known brands are launching marketing campaigns on Facebook, such as Paramount Pictures, Microsoft, and even some well-known museums like the Museum of Modern Art. So the question is not whether your gallery should use Facebook – that answer is a resounding yes. The question is HOW your gallery should use Facebook.

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1 comment:

Uploaded said...

This is an excellent article and very helpful in utilizing the new feature provided by Managed Artwork to display our social networks on our Website.